

Surfgirl magazine search for creativity so this is what they are thinking, they had such a good response to last years DIY issue, that this year they are featuring more of your work. If you paint, photograph, knit, make stuff – whatever it is you do they like to see it. So get involved, get your camera, pens, scissors out and surprise them with your creativity! Send your work to

How to send your work in.
This is the tricky bit! So email louise@orcasurf.co.uk what you are sending and then send your images by wetransfer only – sorry but this is the only way to send stuff to her computer! Also jpegs are the way to go. Say which issue your work is for and include your email address on the wetransfer notes bit. The images need to be hi res and 1MB otherwise they are too small for print. Make sure the photos are well lit and close up.
Good luck ladies and get creating!


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