

The mission of Beyond the Surface is to eradicate youth homelessness and poverty in popular surfing destinations and coastal communities worldwide and empower street children and those caught within the poverty cycle through the sport of surfing.
UNICEF estimates there are more than 1 billion children living in poverty worldwide and roughly 100 million are homeless. Many of these youths live in coastal communities. Homeless children are subject to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and even elimination by "cleanup squads" hired by local businesses or police. Many of these street children reside in poor coastal regions. These same regions are popular destinations for surfers worldwide. In order for these street children to get out of the circle of poverty and gang life, they need education, a positive identity and community, basic human needs such as food and shelter, and an incentive to get off the streets and leave a life of drugs and gang affiliation.

Some of the best waves in the world are in exotic locations. Many of these places are surrounded by poverty. Wouldn't it be great if we could experience those great waves AND give hope and opportunities to the locals.

Beyond the Surface attracts more and more surfers due to the affiliation between the surfing centers Beyond the Surface sponsors and some of the most popular surfing destinations worldwide. All three centers are located in premium surfing destinations, furthering the desire for surfers to support those centers due to the connection between the surfer and the child in need...more info


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