

Dear reader,
You are looking at the second issue of StyleZeitgeist magazine. The first issue was a great success. We did not realize what we have wrought until we held the first copy in our hands. It was exciting, and we are very proud of what we’ve created.
Now comes the second issue, and it’s time to address one very important aspect of what we do at StyleZeitgeist. Whether fashion is art is an old, never-ending debate. After discussing it for many years and devoting entire articles to the subject, I find myself no longer caring much whether fashion should be called art or design. Taxonomy is not reality. But I know one thing: at its best, fashion is a creative discipline. And as such, fashion interacts with other creative disciplines – photography, film, music, painting, and any other form of artistic expression. This is what we aim to highlight in the magazine in general, and in the second issue in particular.
The flagship article is one of a long and deep friendship between the singer PJ Harvey and the fashion designer Ann Demeulemeester, with exclusive photography by Patrick Robyn, Demeulemeester’s husband. Another story is a profile of the photographer Deborah Turbeville in which she discusses literature. These articles highlight the fact that clothes can be part of an aesthetic universe, on par with music and books. We hold this truth to be self-evident, and we see no reason for fashion to seek art’s approval.
As always, we truly hope you find the new issue fulfilling and worthy of your time.
Eugene Rabkin
Eugene Rabkin

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