

"Embryolisse was formulated in the 1950’s by a physician who desired to create his own pharmaceutical skin care brand that met the expectations and acceptance of his profession...bla bla bla..."

Normally I never read and belive this sort of information. But after a really good friend of mine suggested this cream (since I spend a lot of time in the sun and surfing, so my skin is really dry and dull.) So I read the description above and decided to give the cream a chance. And guess I just love it and it works so well. So for all you girls out there get your hands of it. Its the shit;D

"Embryolisse was formulated in the 1950’s by a physician who desired to create his own pharmaceutical skin care brand that met the expectations and acceptance of his profession...bla bla bla..."

Egentligen läser jag aldrig sådan här information, men efter att en av mina bästa vänner föreslog den har krämen( J
ag tillbringar mycket tid i sol och surfar, min hy känns jättetorr och tråkig.) Så jag läste på och bestämde mig för att ge krämen en chans. Och gissa den funkar hur fint som helst och jag bara älskar den. Så alla tjejer försök hitta den. Jepp its the shit;D


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